FAQ 常见问题

We are regularly publish short videos clips to address common questions. 通过一系列小视频,我们希望与大家分享有关孩子中文学习的观察和观点。We hope you will subscribe so you don’t miss the latest. 请订阅频道就不会错过最新见解!

Q: Can I become proficient if the class is only once a week?

A: Yes. Our curriculum is mapped from beginner to fluency over a number of years. Our classes are designed to be efficient. Each live session includes several carefully designed cycles of learning, practicing, applying and reviewing. Between two live lessons, there are take home exercises or projects learners complete to further learning.

Q. How many students in a class?

A: iCanMandarin’s online class size is typically between 4–8. Language learning is most effective as a social activity, like basketball not weightlifting. We believe language learning must be a combination of individual attention and real communication. This combination is best achieved in small groups at iCanMandarin. Our preferred class size allows the learners to experience a variety of group activities, including, for example, collaborative tasks and group debate. We train our teachers specifically to manage this kind of learning environment.

Q: What curriculum and textbook do you use?

A: iCanMandarin’s curriculum, including textbooks, learning activities, practice materials, is developed in-house by leading experts in the field and incorporating materials from a variety of sources including textbooks, authentic online materials, videos and custom-designed exercises. This provides a well-rounded learning experience than any single textbook.

Q: Do you teach Pinyin?

A: Yes. Pinyin is one of the important tools to learn the language, and also a popular method for inputting Chinese characters in the digital space. The key is when to teach Pinyin and how to teach it effectively. At iCanMandarin, students start to learn Pinyin as soon as they have developed a foundation in English pronunciation. Learners at a younger age have a highly sensitive ear and unique ability to imitate sounds and tones. We take full advantage of this period golden period to develop an accurate pronunciation and a natural sense of the language. When we teach Pinyin, our method will emphasize the meaning of this tool in real life application, not simply as a set of symbols to be memorized.

Q. How can we help young children develop their own motivation to learn Chinese? 

A: iCanMandarin places oral language at the heart of its instruction.  Through oral language, children communicate their thoughts and feelings. They also establish connections with their peers and teachers.  However, at iCM speaking skills do not stay at the level of daily-life fluency.  Students are guided to further develop their oral language skills for higher-level functions such as negotiating, convincing and debating.  Our curriculum takes a systematic approach to integrate the language learning with the development of critical thinking skills and social skills. Along the way, students develop a sense of success and more importantly, a love for learning the language.

Q: My student speaks Mandarin at home or has studied it in the past. Is your program suitable for advanced students?

A: Yes! We have classes for all levels of Mandarin speakers, from beginners to experienced heritage speakers and for grades k-12.







